S-349 Bridge Replacement over Sandy Branch

Project Description:

Carolina TEA was selected from the Bridge On-Call to develop construction plans for the replacement of a closed bridge. The selection was based on the ability to deliver on an accelerated schedule. Carolina TEA provided Project Management, Bridge Design and Roadway Design Services. The project also included utility coordination, SUE, geotechnical exploration and design and hydraulic analysis.

Hydraulics was complicated by a preexisting roadbed upstream from the bridge. A 2D hydraulic model was used to reduce stream flows and velocities to appropriately size the bridge.

Geotechnical design was complicated by liquefiable soils. A structural solution was implemented to avoid costly ground improvements at the bridge ends.Utility coordination was complicated by a waterline owner that did not want to move their lines and was confrontational. Persistence by the UC team facilitated an agreement.

The Carolina TEA led team delivered construction plans for the project four months after NTP – earning a success fee bonus from SCDOT.

Location: Kershaw County, SC

Client: SCDOT


Project Manager: Jeff Mulliken, PhD, PE

Completion: Design 2023; Construction ongoing

Design Disciplines: Bridge Design/Structures, Roadway Structures, Construction Services


S-55 over Twelve Mile


I-95 Widening MM 0 to MM 8