Derek Staton selected to serve on ACEC-NC Design-Build Subcommittee

We are proud to share that Carolina TEA President, Derek Staton, has been selected to serve on the ACEC-NC design-build subcommittee.

The American Council of Engineering Companies of North Carolina (ACEC-NC) is actively involved in promoting and supporting design-build projects. They have a dedicated Design-Build Joint Committee in collaboration with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and the Carolinas Associated General Contractors (CAGC). This committee focuses on creating effective design-build public policies and addressing various project-related issues such as risk transfer, insurance requirements, and relationship building among designers, constructors, and owners.

 Derek has been involved with ACEC since 2002 and is passionate about the future of our profession through advocacy, mentorship, and serving in leadership roles. In addition to this committee, he currently serves as the ACEC-SC Transportation Executive Committee small firm representative.


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