Jeff Mulliken, PhD, PE appointed to ACEC National Transportation Steering Committee

We are proud to share that Carolina TEA partner, Jeff Mulliken, has been appointed to the ACEC National Transportation Steering Committee and Small Firm Coalition.

The National Transportation Steering Committee exists to promote responsible legislation and regulations on transportation infrastructure issues, including highways, railroads, aviation, and mass transit, and develop and recommend Council positions before Congress, the Executive, and State agencies. The committee focuses on influencing legislation that improves transportation across the U.S. while protecting the firms and engineers who do the work.

Jeff has been involved with ACEC since 2000 and is passionate about the future of our profession through advocacy, mentorship, and serving in leadership roles at the state and national level. Prior to this committee apointment, he has served as the ACEC-SC Board President, Vice President, and has led the SC Emerging Leaders program.

Congratulations, Jeff! Thank you for your committment to our profession and your tireless service to seing it thrive across the nation.


Kevin Gantt, PE appointed to ACEC-SC Board of Directors